Skill data may also be affected in such a way that the stats are incorrect. Some of the social interactions doing some odd things (like resetting sims, points not being added to the friendship bar, etc) When wanting to create a project, a null reference appears (or just simply resets your sim) Practise running like a few sim-minutes long. Currently, a lot has been adjusted 'under the hood' that the save data that's in your save that had older data of the sewing table, will cause some unexpected issues with the mod. Make sure you're playing the sewing table in a new save. IF FIX 1 DOESN'T HELP: ( only applicable If you've updated the mod from an older version to 1.0.9),.This should re-add all the interactions properly again and should prevent any errors from happening. Fix 1: In the save you're having issues with, make sure to delete and replace the sewing table.Quote: TROUBLESHOOTING: BEFORE reporting any bugs, here are a few things you should try: